Allergy problems are one of the common issues which are increasing day by day. Also, it causes both young and old people. Did you ever ask yourself that is your carpet the prime cause of Allergy issues at home? Yes, it is one of the common causes of spreading allergens in your home. Filthy carpets can cause allergens to you and your family. Besides, the carpets which are not cleaned for many months can lead to serious allergy problems, especially for those who have breathing issues like asthma. The dirt on the carpet also leads to skin allergies in humans. So, the uncleaned carpet is undoubtedly one of the main causes of allergens issues in your home.
How Do Allergies Remain On Your Carpet?
No matter how regularly you do the vacuuming but the dirt particles and dust will get into the carpet fabric anyways. There are millions of microorganisms that settle deep into the carpet fabric. Moreover, you cannot easily eliminate them using any ordinary carpet cleaner. Besides, these microscopic organisms make you and your family uncomfortable. Later, this leads to allergy issues at your home. You will find young and old ones sneezing and itching due to the allergy spreads.
So just vacuuming daily does not eliminate the small microscopic organisms which make their colonies in the fabric of your carpet. You need to hire professionals who use the best methods to deep clean your carpet. The experts also recommend getting the carpets cleaned by professionals twice a year. Mostly, homeowners prefer at least cleaning their carpet professionally once a year to get rid of allergy issues in their homes.
What causes allergies?
So once you get the answer to the question – Is your carpet the prime cause of allergy issues at your home? Now it is time to know what causes allergies that also reside in your valuable and beautiful carpets. Below are the few causes of allergens that you can get rid of if you hire professional carpet cleaners.
- Pollens: The pollens are grains that are male seeds of seed plants. The pollens are powdery substances that are harmful and many humans are allergic to them. These substances get deep into your carpet and make it allergic to your family.
- Pet Danders: The dead skin flakes of pets are dander. Because of its lightweight, the dander easily sticks to the carpet. Dander triggers an allergic reaction in humans and sometimes it can be harmful.
- Mould: When the carpet gets in contact with water, then there is mould formation. Mould is also reasonable for spreading allergens to humans.
- Dust mites: Dust mites can trigger allergens. They reside deep inside the fabric of dirty carpets. Besides, dust mite bodies, saliva, and feces can turn out to be allergic to humans.
Different Type Of Carpet Allergies
Many homeowners are also allergic to different types of carpets. The carpets are of synthetic fabrics. Different carpet fabric problem is also an answer to the question – is your carpet the prime cause of allergy issues at your home. To some, the fabric may not suit. Also, there are various types of carpets which might be uncomfortable for you. Mostly, the different types of carpet fabric are wool, nylon, polyester, jute, seagrass, and so on. Mostly, the carpet has two different parts. The upper part is made of any of the fabric whereas there is a backing layer on the below part. There might be some issues in either the above part of the carpet or in the bottom layer. You need to figure out whether you are allergic to the carpet.
You might try using DIY solutions and methods to clean the carpet, but the result will not make you happy. So, consider hiring professionals carpet cleaners. They have the right equipment and cleaning machine to thoroughly clean the carpet. Besides, they use eco-friendly solutions to thoroughly steam clean the carpet. All the allergen from your carpet will be removed by the professional. Also, they will thoroughly sanitize the carpet using the safest products. So, get in touch with professional carpet cleaners today.